Summer Golf Event of The Year

July 26th & 27th  starting at 10am

The in-person summer golf event of the year- A no non-sense workshop where you will get:

  • Small private setting so we can workshop your swing-specific concerns and bad habits.
  • Throughout 2-3 hours per session, you will embed mechanical techniques to generate power without putting excessive stress on your body.
  • Consistent swing that gives you ball control and accuracy
  • A simple sequence based on your body movement patterns to create a natural swing tempo.

This workshop is not a golf analysis where we'll look at your golf swing concerning clubhead and ball at impact.

Instead, this workshop is all about you, your body's abilities, and the limitations that are causing you to have inconsistent shots and poor rotation and sequencing from the transition to the release phase.

We will also be giving you a golf anthropometry and brief therapeutic assessment to better understand your golf posture, movement patterns, and flexibility among other things.

Do you feel you are ready to get your own sustainable ball-striking skills? 
This workshop will get you to do just that.

ᴡʜᴀᴛ things are included when I sign up?

  • In-person assessment and discussion of your result.
  • Video analysis of your golf mechanic and golf posture.
  • Flexigolf Workbook: Pain-Free Precision on the Course personalized workbook.
  • Flexigolf pocket guide: Mastering a Pain-free Performance- a pocket guide to unlocking your body on the course.
  • Food and range balls will be provided on day 1.
  • 9-hole round of golf to test & proof in real-time the lessons learned the previous day.
  • Special discount to LifePro home-recovery unit + free shipping.
  • Eligible for a special discount to the Fall season golf event.

Can you imagine enjoying the rest of the year living the active lifestyle you'd been working on but kept getting sidelined by injuries?

The button below is where you click and let me know you're serious about making things happen.

Day One:

Discover your body patterns & hidden limitations that are making you have inconsistent golf shots regardless of how many lessons, club refitting, or even focused time at the range.

By utilizing an anthropometry analysis of your golf swing and a therapeutic golf assessment you’ll have a visual objective & goals to improve on.

If you can't measure it…you can't improve it ~ President D.R.

On day 1, we will also spend some time discussing the scientific based on the real way to use your core-golf muscles and how to efficiently work them at the gym so they are more than capable when is time for you to swing–even on the back 9.

And because day 1 is at least 2 hours, a light lunch will be provided as well as range balls for you to truly test and get a real feel of the topics we discuss during your assessment and analysis.

Day Two:

This day you’ll get to experience what we often refer to as “effortless stock swing”. And one of the ways to fast-track your way to it is by unlocking your core muscles and flexibility. As a result, we will be able to create your very own stock shot. One that is sustainable and repeatable during the good rounds…and the not-so- good rounds.

On day 2 you will also get a chance to play 9 holes so you can honestly give and get feedback in real-time. That means that you will now walk away with a complete customized Flexigolf workbook from day 1 PLUS you will also get a specially designed pocket guide to keep in your bag. This simple tool will be a great reference tool to keep in your bag all year round.

Now, it would be good to point out that day 2 will be at the golf course. And even though we will not have as much time on the range dusting things off before tee time, you and I can have a short 1:1 regarding anything you forgot to ask me on day 1.

Just remember that I will be with you every- step of the way to make sure your entire experience is a double birdie.

So now let me ask you this?
Are you ready to take one of he few spots left for this workshop?

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